Empresas familiares y emprendimientosucesión exitosa, impacto social, económico y educativo en la sociedad guatemalteca

  1. Vela Vela, Julio David
Supervised by:
  1. Raquel Sánchez Ordóñez Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 05 September 2023

  1. Ángel Losada Vázquez Chair
  2. Fernando González Alonso Secretary
  3. Juan Francisco Sánchez Vázquez Committee member

Type: Thesis


The research focuses on the analysis of the causes and effects that have generated the growth and development of family businesses in the business community in Guatemala and their relationship with entrepreneurship and SMEs (small and medium enterprises). The search for solutions for the inclusion in the National Base Curriculum (CNB) of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Guatemala in primary and secondary education of the compulsory study of entrepreneurship and the proper management of family businesses is the starting point of this proposal. On the other hand, the importance of the continuity of family businesses and entrepreneurship in Guatemala is highlighted. It is important to promote compulsory education in schools on this issue, since according to Martínez (2021), to determine how many family businesses there are in Guatemala, the Bank of Guatemala carried out a study in which it was calculated that 80% of businesses are family businesses. On the other hand, it is a priority to analyze the different companies and institutions that promote and encourage the creation of more family businesses. In this way, measures can be suggested that can contribute to the rapid implementation of declarative, procedural, and attitudinal contents concerning the creation, implementation, and growth of family businesses in the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Guatemala.