Objeto, identidad y memoria. Los estudios sobre arqueología funeraria tardoantigua y altomedieval en Galicia desde el siglo XIX a nuestros días

  1. Laura Blanco-Torrejón
Boletín Avriense: Boletín Auriense

ISSN: 0210-8445

Year of publication: 2021

Tome: 51-52

Pages: 199-224

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín Avriense: Boletín Auriense


Since the end of the 19th century, the archaeological study of the Late Antique and Early Medieval funerary remains in Galicia has been a slow and heterogeneous process, characterized by important historiographical gaps and casual findings. However, this situation is not exclusive to this community, but it reflects on a small scale the trends perceived in other peninsular and European areas. This article provides a synthesis of the main theoretical and methodological changes in mortuary archaeology from the 19th century to the present day, from its materialistic conception (the object) to its relationship with the landscape and community, including its use as a propagandistic element of dictatorial regimes.