La castidad como asunto de estadoa propósito de ''Cuando estuve en la la aldea Xia'' de Ding Ling

  1. Teresa Inés Tejeda Martín
Revista internacional de culturas y literaturas

ISSN: 1885-3625

Ano de publicación: 2024

Título do exemplar: Escritoras de Asia Oriental

Número: 27

Páxinas: 14-29

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.12795/RICL2024.I27.01 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Revista internacional de culturas y literaturas

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


In the Chinese tradition, during the imperial era, female chastity was one of the virtues most valued in a woman. This notion was so deeply rooted in society that we see how it still survives in the early decades of the twentieth century, despite the founding of the Republic of China. In this article we intend to approach chastity from a double perspective: both as a moral aspect related to sexuality, as well as its recurrence as a metaphor for political and national stability. For this purpose, we will make a historical review of the concept, to reflect later, on the story of the writer Ding Ling, When I was in the Xia village, which will allow us to demonstrate in one hand the survival of traditional ideas, and in the other hand its political dimension. We will also relate this story to other cultural productions from the time of this publication that reinforce the same view of this reality.

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