La construcción y deconstrucción de imaginarios de género a través de la canción popular en España desde 1960 hasta la actualidad. Feminismos y revival en las tradiciones musicales españolas

  1. González Varga, Marina
Dirigida per:
  1. María Jesús Pena Castro Directora
  2. Matilde María Olarte Martínez Codirectora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 31 de de gener de 2024

  1. Jone Miren Hernández García President/a
  2. María Palacios Nieto Secretària
  3. Ralitza Gueleva Tzvetleova Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 825140 DIALNET


This thesis explores the representation of gender models in traditional music reinterpretations from the 60’s up to the present, grounding in the shifting meanings of popular culture and folk. Women’s gender roles depicted in these musical practices respond to the aim of constructing and deconstructing gender roles due to the context where this re-signifying process takes place. In other words, my study case emerges as a cultural opposition to Francoist cultural policies, and subsequently, it contributes to the feminist agenda. Therefore, according to the existent literature, this movement could be labelled as revival folk, as it is based on the use and promotion of music and tradition as a social force. Specifically, the main purpose of this research is to analyse the symbolic constructions of the folk revival and its social context, taking into account musical and social aspects, and the ties between artistic practices. For this purpose, the research relies on the perspectives given by diverse artists belonging to this movement and whose artistic activities took place on the different periods examined. Thus, these artistic projects intend to raise alternative gender models and encourage critical reflections on current gender perspectives in such a way this creative activity transforms society while it reflects social changes of the time. Certainly, this doctoral thesis contributes to ethnomusicology in three main aspects: (1) analysing the development of the concepts of popular culture and folk in Spain through different historical periods; (2) examining different ways of constructing female gender roles in Spanish popular music; (3); advance towards the understanding of concealed meanings in the music projects framed in gendered revival folk.