Las aspiraciones y las desilusiones de un pícaro-dictador hispanoamericano en "El recurso del método" de Alejo Carpentier
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1136-9493
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 71
Orrialdeak: 24-32
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Cálamo FASPE
El recurso del método recovers the picaresque in the s. XX to reflect on the SpanishAmerican reality with irony, mainly on the figure of the dictator. Carpentier adapts the genre to the Latin American reality. In the first place, this work will analyze the rogue, the Prime Magistrate or President, in the following aspects: his picaresque nature and the differences with respect to the traditional model and variations that Alejo Carpentier makes of the original characteristics; oratory as a constructor of his identity; its rise and fall; and his heroic nature in some respects and vicious in others. Second, the characters' feeling of belonging to a land will be observed. Both the President and his daughter, Ofelia, are divided. They both belong to the Nation they take advantage of and which they despise and want to access the sophistication of Paris. In this sense, the novel establishes a bipolarity between the first, which it refers to as there, and the second, which it names as here. This produces stereotypical images of both spaces. The values that define these poles will be compared to reflect on the problem of the ideal of the self that this manifests.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
- Carpentier, Alejo (1974). El recurso del método. Madrid: Editorial Siglo XXI.
- Carrillo, Francisco (1982). Semiolingüística de la novela picaresca. Madrid: Cátedra.
- Gnutzmann, Rita (1975). El recurso del método, Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 4.
- Lázaro Carreter, Fernando (1978). “Lazarillo de Tormes” en la picaresca. Barcelona: Ariel.
- Maravall Casesnoves, José Antonio (1986). La literatura picaresca. Madrid: Taurus.
- Rico, Francisco (1982). La novela picaresca y el punto de vista. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
- Sevilla-Vallejo, Santiago (2019). ¿Sabría algún día quién es Horacio Oliveira? Barcarola. Revista de creación literaria, 92-93, Dossier Julio Cortázar, 171-176.
- Sevilla-Vallejo, Santiago (2020). La corrupción española después de la crisis en el cine en El desconocido de Dani de la Torre y Cien años de perdón de Daniel Calparsoro. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 97 (7), 733-748.
- Sevilla-Vallejo, Santiago (2021). Estudio identitario de la revolución evolutiva en la obra de Manuel González Prada. Letras (Lima), 92 (135), 21-31.
- Uría Santos, María Rosa (1976). El recurso del método: Una exploración de la realidad hispanoamericana, Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 5.
- Van Hoogstraten, Rudolf (1986). Estructura mítica de la picaresca. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos.