Os desafios encontrados pelos cuidadores no manejo do paciente com a doença de Alzheimer

  1. Kayo Borges Ninck 1
  2. João Henrique Rocha Souza 1
  3. Luciano de Oliveira Souza Tourinho 1
  1. 1 Faculdade Santo Agostinho de Itabuna
Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo

ISSN: 1989-4155

Année de publication: 2023

Volumen: 15

Número: 2

Pages: 1244-1257

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo


Introduction. Alzheimer's disease can be defined as a chronic neurodegenerative disease that causes functional and progressive impairment in the lives of its patients, making it necessary to discuss the impact caused by Alzheimer's disease on caregivers. Therefore, it is salutary to discuss the challenges faced by caregivers in managing the patient with Alzheimer's disease. Objectives. This study aims to identify the challenges faced on a daily basis by caregivers of Alzheimer's patients as a way to highlight the need for specific assistance to this public. Justification. Due to the aging population, more diagnoses of Alzheimer's disease are made, and the search for care for these people has been increasing along with the care for these people's caregivers. Thus, the present research contributes, in the academic and scientific spheres, by analyzing previous publications that subsidized the discussion about this pathology, evidencing the needs not only of the patients, but also of those who dedicate themselves to the care. In its social aspect, the research puts in the center of the discussion the attention directed to the caregivers who, commonly, are thrown in second plan. Methodology: This is a literature review, carried out by means of bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, describing the problems and applying new knowledge, being considered, for this reason, an applied research. Results and discussion. After the diagnosis of AD for the family members, there are several ways to face the moment, it can be an anticipatory mourning, hope for a cure, definition of caregiver, domestic adjustments, this includes: family rearrangement, high cost of medications and home reforms to adapt the environment to the patient.The caregiver would be the personification of care, thus ensuring the well-being and safety of people with physical and/or functional disabilities. In addition, he/she is an essential subject for the Alzheimer's patient, which is why he/she will need help and support fromthe health professionals in the support network. In this sense, it is possible to understand the importance of the dissemination of support groups, aiming to guide about the proper care of patients with AD in its various phases. Currently the negligence in the care of the caregiver is being experienced in a worldwide context. Conclusion. Alzheimer's disease is a chronic, progressive, and irreversible pathology, resulting in a complex and debilitating aging process, with special needs and integral presence of the caregiver. It is noticed that, currently, Brazil is in a moment of inversion of the age pyramid, going through a process of population aging, thus occurring a growing increase in the incidence of patients with AD and, consequently, the increase of assistance provided by the caregiver is important, aiming to develop a better quality of life.

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