Análisis de viabilidad energética de prefabricados de yeso eco-eficientes aligerados con residuos de poliuretano

  1. Rodrigo Bravo, Alba
Dirigée par:
  1. Sara Gutiérrez González Directrice
  2. Verónica Calderón Carpintero Co-directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 30 octobre 2023

Type: Thèses


This doctoral thesis analyses the incorporation of polyurethane waste into plaster ceiling tiles. The main objective of the study is to broaden the range of sustainable construction products with the contribution to the market of an innovative and ecological precast. The study consists of an initial research phase, an industrialisation phase, in which the ceiling tiles are manufactured according to the knowledge gained previously, a placement phase and a product sustainability assessment phase, using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) methodologies. The results demonstrate the feasibility of adding polyurethane waste as a raw material in gypsum mixes. The gypsum precast with polyurethane waste, produced at industrial level, shows a weight reduction of 28 % and a thermal conductivity reduction of 15 %, compared to standard gypsum ceiling tile. The placement phase demonstrates the suitability of the new precast in performance mode. The PU-gypsum ceiling tile contains 4.9 % recycled material, uses 32 % less gypsum and 25 % less water, and reduces CO2 emissions and energy demand by 14 %, compared to the standard model. In addition, the life cycle cost of the innovative precast is reduced by 5.91 %, compared to the traditional one.