La función de las artes en las propuestas educativas integradasuna revisión sistemática

  1. Raquel Sanz Camarero 1
  2. Jairo Ortiz Revilla 1
  3. Greca, Ileana M. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España



ISSN: 2254-0709

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 37

Pages: 117-128

Type: Article

More publications in: Artseduca


Introduction: The society of the 21st century demands an education that transcends disciplinary limits, capable of forming citizens who can face the complexity of the problems that surround us. Integrated education is postulated in this sense, and the presence of the arts makes it possible to understand reality in a more holistic way. However, in the specialized literature, the instrumentalization of the arts has been recurrently denounced when they participate in integrated educational proposals, often only used to serve the interests of other disciplines or occupying a diffuse place in the teaching-learning process. Objective: Determine the role played by the arts when they participate in integrated educational proposals and reflect on the considerations necessary to achieve their authentic and meaningful integration. Methodology: This study presents a systematic review of integrated educational proposals that include the arts in the last decade (2014-2023). Result: The results obtained highlight the undervaluation suffered by the arts in most of the integrated educational proposals, more accentuated in the STEAM approach proposals, where they are almost always considered only for the learning of the rest of the disciplines. Conclusion: It concludes by reflecting on some considerations necessary to achieve an authentic and meaningful integration of the arts, attending to their benefits and transcending their widespread instrumentalism.

Funding information

Este estudio ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación a través del proyecto PID2020-118010RB-I00


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