La estructura político-administrativa de las feligresías coruñesas en el Siglo XVIIIterritorio, órganos de gobierno y sistema fiscal: Territorios de la Vara del Coto: San Vicente de Elviña, Santa María de Oza, San Cristóbal das Viñas, San Pedro de Visma

  1. Arturo Abad Pardo

ISSN: 1885-6349

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 15

Pages: 11-62

Type: Article

More publications in: Nalgures


The local government of the city of A Coruña (like all cities of a certain entity) is a well-known and studied political and administrative structure: with its councilors, seems that nothing has been written and investigated about what was the political - administrative structure of the territories that were part or were subject to the juris-diction of the city, that is, those that belonged to its jurisdictional preserve: what its structure, and what its operation and autonomy. This study aims to explain and expose what is related to its governing bodies, characteristics, demography and competences during the XVIII Century.