Las empresas de desechos tecnológicos de Panamá

  1. De León , Amarilis 1
  2. Zazo , Ángel 2
  3. Paz , María 1
  4. Ardines , Saúl 1
  5. Juárez , Virginia 1
  6. Perdomo , Isaac 1
  1. 1 Universidad De Panama

    Universidad De Panama

    Panamá, Panamá


  2. 2 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria

ISSN: 2953-3007

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Pages: 82-107

Type: Article

DOI: 10.48204/J.CENTROS.V13N1.A4635 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria


The present study is an exploratory research that has had a double objective. On the one hand, identify the profile of companies dedicated to the management of technological waste in the Republic of Panama and, on the other, evaluate the relationships that these companies have with public institutions and other organizations. Ten companies out of the thirteen detected were surveyed, of which nine were able to complete the study. For the exploratory analysis of the responses to the questionnaire, the Reticular Analysis of Coincidences (CNA) was used, which consists of a series of techniques used to detect which events are most frequent in a set of scenarios and with which other events they tend to occur simultaneously. The results show that, in relation to the profile of the companies, they are mainly constituted by Panamanian capital; They are managed with their own financing; They have few staff and, in general, little technical and/or university education; Regarding the results on relationships, it should be indicated that these companies have very few relationships between themselves and other entities; that there is low motivation for this, due to poor disclosure, lack of laws and regulations related to technological waste, and excessive bureaucracy in administrative processes. It is essential to establish strategies that raise awareness among the population, support and train institutions, organizations and companies dedicated to the management of E-waste through the establishment of laws that encourage the proper treatment of this type of waste.

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