El chabolismo madrileño bajo el franquismourbanismo y control social desde 1939 hasta el Plan de Absorción del Chabolismo de 1961

  1. Jesús López Díaz
  2. María Adoración Martínez Aranda
Ciudades: Revista del Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid

ISSN: 1133-6579 2445-3943

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Aproximaciones urbanísticas a la urbanización (in)formal

Issue: 27

Pages: 155-175

Type: Article

More publications in: Ciudades: Revista del Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid


With this article, taking the case of the city of Madrid during the Franco dictatorship, we want to contribute to the discussion around the theoretical conceptions of urban planning in so-called suburban areas and how they are articulated with the planningof urban policies and social control, regarding said spaces. Through the historiographic review and consultation work in different archives, we want to show how in the conceptualization, legislation and management around the “housing problem” of the Spanish capital, the Franco dictatorship accompanied policies for spatial and social control of the population of its suburbs