Evaluación de la condición física y cuantificación de la carga de entrenamiento en jugadoras de baloncesto

  1. Flórez Gil, Enrique
Dirixida por:
  1. Alejandro Vaquera Jiménez Director
  2. Alejandro Rodríguez Fernández Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 20 de xuño de 2024

  1. Julio Calleja González Presidente/a
  2. Belén Carballo Leyenda Secretaria
  3. Jaime E. Sampaio Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Currently, according to the InternaQonal Basketball FederaQon (FIBA), basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world with at least 450 million people pracQcing this sport worldwide. In the specialized literature, there are many works related to men's basketball, but it is true that there are not so many specific works on women's basketball. Given the physiological and anthropometric differences between men and women, it is necessary a more specific analysis of the physical condiQon of women in basketball, and not the extrapolaQon of the results obtained by the literature that analyzes men's basketball. Specifically, this Doctoral Thesis aims to analyze the anthropometric profile of female basketball players, design and validate a specific agility test for female basketball players, analyze the effects of detraining on female basketball players, and finally, verify the discriminaQve, criterion, and longitudinal validity of small-sided games (SSGs) in assessing physical condiQon in female basketball players. The results obtained show that female basketball players with a higher compeQQve level have befer values in terms of body composiQon, as well as being differenQated by the specific playing posiQon. When an agility test is intended to be carried out, tests related to this physical quality are always performed but never specifically, so a specific test (TEA-Basket) has been designed to evaluate agility in basketball players. Likewise, another of the key aspects addressed has been to study how periods of cessaQon of acQvity affect the physical performance of female basketball players in different categories, showing a significant decrease in performance in all of them. Finally, the SSGs in basketball are analyzed to check their validity in the evaluaQon of physical fitness in female basketball players, without being subsQtues for the usual test of physical condiQon evaluaQon.