The Río Hortega University Hospital Glioblastoma dataset: a comprehensive collection of preoperative, early postoperative and recurrence MRI scans (RHUH-GBM)

  1. Cepeda, Santiago
  2. García García, Sergio
  3. Arrese, Ignacio
  4. Herrero, Francisco
  5. Escudero Caro, Trinidad
  6. Zamora Martínez, Tomás
  7. Sarabia, Rosario

Editor: The Cancer Imaging Archive

Ano de publicación: 2023

Tipo: Dataset

Licenza: TCIA Limited Access License


This data collection consists of MRI scans of patients who underwent surgery with a pathologically confirmed diagnosis of WHO grade 4 astrocytoma at the Río Hortega University Hospital in Valladolid, Spain. There are 400 studies corresponding to 40 patients, including preoperative, early post-operative and the follow-up scan in which the recurrence is diagnosed. Tumor progression was defined according to the modified Response assessment in neuro-oncology criteria (RANO). The images have been preprocessed using the CaPTk software according to the BraTS Challenge pipeline. The dataset includes the segmentations of the enhancing tumor, necrosis, and peritumoral region from the pre-postoperative and follow-up studies that experts have manually corrected. This dataset provides early postoperative studies along with their segmentations, filling the gap from other publicly available datasets. This dataset may facilitate the analysis of recurrence patterns in patients with total or near-total resection and contribute to developing new registration and segmentation algorithms focused on post-surgical and follow-up studies. The dataset includes clinical and pathological information.