El arte gráfico como medio de comunicación y cuidados en personas con demencia temprana y Alzhéimer
- López Méndez, Lorena
- Albar-Mansoa, Pedro Javier
- Martínez-Vérez, María Victoria
ISSN: 1699-6003
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 68
Pages: 103-116
Type: Article
More publications in: Cultura de los cuidados: Revista de Enfermería y Humanidades
The present work analyzes the repercussion of the nontoxic engraving technique Collagraph, in people with Early Alzheimer’s Dementia, in the artistic education program “Retales de una vida”. The objective is to connect the participants with programs of a cultural nature to encourage communication and interaction between participants. The experience was carried out at the State Reference Center for people with Alzheimer’s and other Dementias of Salamanca (CREA). Once the methodology of the workshop has been adapted to the personal and health characteristics of people with Alzheimer's disease, it is considered that the use of engraving generates important benefits in the participants, related to the increase in crystallized intelligence, prosocial behavior and positive assessment. of themselves, favoring social and family inclusion. Likewise, the use of engraving can offer support for individual and cooperative therapeutic help to the participants, develop functional, social and cognitive skills, expanding their emotional resources and enjoying the experience. In turn, they strengthen their self-esteem and security in the face of their ability and worth. Finally, we propose a series of guidelines for the planning and implementation of this artistic process so that it serves as a reference for health professionals.
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