Discurso de divulgação científica e canal Nerdologia no Youtube
- Valentim, Ana Paula Simonaci 1
- Orrico, Evelyn Goyannes Dill 1
- Silva, Eliezer Pires da 1
- 1 Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-UNIRIO
ISSN: 2316-1620
Año de publicación: 2021
Volumen: 8
Número: 3
Páginas: 135-148
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Simbiótica
The research analyzes how the YouTube channel, Nerdologia, is an expression of scientific dissemination at the same time that it builds a memory of it. The contribution of this work to the field of social memory lies on understanding the phenomenon of scientific dissemination, with an emphasize of the reach of scientific knowledge to the lay society, in addition to its circulation, which is usually restricted to academic community. This work proposes an interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological approach, articulating authors and triggering conceptual categories from different areas. The analytical methodology is based, fundamentally, on the literature review on the themes involved and an empirical approach in order to identify, in videos broadcasted by the channel, the presence of categories which could indicate an innovative procedure but still in constant dialogue with previous forms of dissemination of science. The article concludes suggesting that nerd culture in these activities contributes to the renewal and expansion on disseminating scientific knowledge in the contemporary era.
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