¿Hacia la digitalización por defecto?la propuesta de reglamento sobre la digitalización de la cooperación judicial y del acceso a la justicia en los asuntos transfronterizos civiles, mercantiles y penales
Universidad de Valladolid
- Mar Jimeno Bulnes (dir.)
- Ángel Tinoco Pastrana (dir.)
Editorial: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ; Tirant lo Blanch
ISBN: 978-84-1071-041-2, 978-84-1071-042-9
Ano de publicación: 2024
Páxinas: 161-178
Tipo: Capítulo de libro
The digitalisation of Justice and judicial cooperation in civil, comercial and criminal matters has gained renewed interest in recent years in the European Union. As a result of this strategy, in December 2021, the Commission published a package of measures aimed at achieving this objective. These include the Proposal for a Regulation COM (2021) 759 final [and Directive COM (2021) 760 final] on digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and criminal matters. The main objective of this Proposal is to establish the default use of secure digital channels in the application of all cross-border judicial cooperation mechanisms adopted to date, in order to improve the efficiency and speed of the proceedings, thus contributing to the saving of material and time costs.In this brief contribution we will focus our analysis exclusively on two of the most relevant aspects of the Proposal: the application of the “digital by default” principle in communications between competent authorities; the use of videoconferencing in cross-border proceedings in civil, commercial and criminal matters.