La fibra de lana : suma y sigue
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2385-4804, 2385-4790
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 236
Pages: 46-54
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Química e Industria Textil
lf we look at the fiber production statistícs, it seems that natural fibers have lost the game against synthetic fibers. However, there is a rising groundswell of global opinion to fight for a more sustainable world. These people are in favor of taking advantage of natural resources, especially if these resources are renewable and biodegradable. For this reason, animal and vegetable fibers (also sorne minerals) may have an important role in the near future.Among the fibers of natural origin, wool is one of the oldest known to mankind. lts good properties, both in clothing and in relation to the nvironment, have been known for a long time: On the one hand, these fibers allow manufacturing comfortable and breathable garments,with a great capacity to insulate cold and heat, with good behavior against tire and that protect from the sun's ultraviolet rays more than many other fibers . On the other hand, wool is a renewable and biodegradable fiber, among other good properties for the environment.Spain is the cradle of merino sheep wool but it has fallen far behind in quantity of wool produced and, especially, in quality if you compare it with the leading countries in this sector which are Australia or New Zealand. The farms in Spain are small, dispersad, and with very little (or no) coordination between them. Furthermore, sheep have been mainly used for the production of meat and milk, which has made wool practicallyconsiderad a by-product of low quality. Are we in time to restore splendor to the Spanish wool industry? lt is very difficult but not impossible.
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