Los efectos limitados del marketing verde en la actitud hacia las marcas comerciales
- Álvaro Jiménez Sánchez 1
- Belinda de Frutos-Torres 1
- Vasilica-Maria Margalina 2
- 1 Universidad de Valladolid. España
- 2 Centro Universitario CESINE. España
ISSN: 1138-5820
Año de publicación: 2023
Número: 81
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
Introduction: Green marketing is an inherent part of many companies, whose main objective is to make consumers aware of their commitment to the environment and also to improve the image and attitude towards their brands and products. At the same time, the attitude towards the environment of these consumers is of great relevance, as the effectiveness of green marketing or, on the contrary, its perception as greenwashing, will depend on it. Therefore, the aim of this research is to test how different green marketing strategies influence attitudes towards certain brands/products in terms of beliefs and attitudes towards ecology and the environment. Methodology: A questionnaire was given to 342 university students about different brands and with different types of presentations (without image, with normal or classic advertising, with green advertising), as well as a series of items on environmental attitudes. Results: green marketing does not influence attitudes in most of the products presented, and the importance that people attach to ecological and environmental issues does not affect the relationship between green marketing and attitudes towards the brand/product in most cases. Discussion: companies should be aware that their green marketing practices may not be effective and that consumers may detect greenwashing. Conclusions: the statistical model presented here proves to be effective and can serve as a reference for future similar research that wishes to broaden the object of study.
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