El tránsito de Sertorio por los Alpes
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 0213-2052
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 42
Type: Article
More publications in: Studia historica. Historia antigua
One of the least known and treated episodes in the life of Quintus Sertorius is his transit through the Alps on his way to the Iberian Peninsula during the winter of 83-82 BC. The only source, Plutarch, is very synthetic and could be more illuminating, while recent studies have focused on identifying the Pyrenean route used by Sertorius. This article analyses the different routes available to him to cross the Alps, describing their climatic conditions and highlighting the peoples who inhabited the different areas. In addition, the political situation of the time is presented, showing its impact on the decisions taken by Sertorius. Ancient sources and modern studies on the topic have been used to carry out this study, as well as recent studies on palaeoclimatology to reconstruct the climatic conditions of Sertorius' time.
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