De Dios y la filosofía en Emmanuel Lévinas
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
ISSN: 2254-0601
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 13
Issue: 27
Pages: 111-144
Type: Article
More publications in: Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin
Emmanuel Levinas' philosophy is almost exclusively classified within the field of ethics, even though he himself confessed that his true interest has always been directed towards the holy, towards the 'sanctity of the holy' as the source of all value. The term 'sanctity' denotes the infinity of the separation that makes ethical discourse possible. This research assumes, first of all, the Hegelian principle according to which the great religions belong to the history of reason itself and maintains, consequently, that it is necessary to show the internal connection that links them to modern modes of thought. It focuses, above all, on the fruitful thought of Emmanuel Levinas, one of the most attractive thinkers when it comes to designing the integrity of existence and human thought around the fundamental content of the religious phenomenon. Secondly, it attempts to explain the peculiar way in which the autor has posed the philosophical problem of God, trying above all to establish a direct dialogue with his philosophical and non-philosophical texts. The final result shows the Levinasian path towards a ‘humanism of the other man’ whose essential content is designed in the ‘me voici’ which means the absolute responsibility and passivity of the subject, but also the impossibility of escaping from God, as the great martyr or the quintessential witness of ethics.
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