La calidad alimentaria en una economía cognitivael caso de la denominación de origen vitivinícola “León”
Universidad de León
ISSN: 0123-8418
Any de publicació: 2021
Títol de l'exemplar: (enero-junio); i-viii
Número: 44
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Territorios
The Spanish model of geographical food quality certifications shows signs of exhaustion. Therecent changes question its function as a mechanism to protect territorial rents, forcing to analyzethe practices of the actors in the value chain with new approaches. Focusing on the analysisof the Protected Designation of Origin “León”, the objective of this work is to interrogateabout the determinants of the generation of value in a post-industrial economy. The centralimportance of certain mediations between production and consumption, that systematize,connect, interpret and validate local knowledge was verified, which present a deficient behaviourthat negatively affects the improvement of the quality and the value of the wines.
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