Océano y cantoel arte y la construcción de la identidad en la infancia
- Victoria Martínez-Vérez 1
- Alice Lucas Semedo 2
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Universidade Do Porto
ISSN: 2343-6131, 2610-8046
Año de publicación: 2024
Título del ejemplar: Art and the socio
Número: 22
Páginas: 28-42
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Encuentros: Revista de Ciencias Humanas, Teoría Social y Pensamiento Crítico
The purpose of this project is to employ artistic mediation through the contemplation of four works by Pablo Picasso belonging to the Temporary Exhibition "Picasso. White in Blue Memory" at the Museum of Fine Arts of A Coruña, to provoke, in the educational community of Monte Alto School, the need to reflect on the importance of human routines that facilitate attachment, currently replaced by consumer objects. To achieve this, an artistic education project is created, framed within action research, with a qualitative, mixed, exploratory, and holistic approach. A set of research instruments is designed for the analysis of actions, which are applied to families and staff of the School and the Picasso House Museum. The responses obtained are analyzed according to the dimensions, specific objectives, and variables that describe and operationalize the object of study.
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