Universidad de Valladolid-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (16)


  1. Recent advances on photosynthetic biogas upgrading to biomethane

    Biogas to Biomethane: Engineering, Production, Sustainability (Elsevier), pp. 117-140


  1. Biogas treatment for H2S, CO2, and other contaminants removal

    From Biofiltration to Promising Options in Gaseous Fluxes Biotreatment: Recent Developments, New Trends, Advances, and Opportunities (Elsevier), pp. 153-176

  2. Comparative evaluation of continuous piggery wastewater treatment in open and closed purple phototrophic bacteria-based photobioreactors

    Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 38

  3. Microalgae-based processes as an energy efficient platform for water reclamation and resource recovery

    Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation (Springer Nature), pp. 95-97

  4. Optimization of photosynthetic biogas upgrading in closed photobioreactors combined with algal biomass production

    Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 38

  5. Strategies for N2 and O2 removal during biogas upgrading in a pilot algal-bacterial photobioreactor

    Algal Research, Vol. 48


  1. Biogas Purification and Upgrading Technologies

    Biogas: fundamentals, process, and operation (SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG), pp. 239-276

  2. Comparative analysis of AOPs and biological processes for the control of VOCs industrial emissions

    Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 68, pp. 451-456

  3. Comparative evaluation of a biotrickling filter and a tubular photobioreactor for the continuous abatement of toluene

    Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 68, pp. 463-468