Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Sara Serrate González (4)


  1. De la identidad a la inclusión: Escala de auto-representación digital para la inclusión de adultos y mayores

    Inclusión y activismo digital: participación ciudadana y empoderamiento desde la diversidad (Dykinson), pp. 126-145


  1. A competences map on sustainability in higher education. Transversal ethical training for students

    EDULEARN18 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (July 2nd-4th, 2018, Palma, Spain)

  2. From blended to flipped learning. An innovation model of teaching trajectories in the university

    EDULEARN18 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (July 2nd-4th, 2018, Palma, Spain)