Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Sául Pérez Tamarit (18)


  1. O-TIV.10_66 Characterization of fillers dispersion in composites and nanocomposites by means of synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography

    Avances en materiales poliméricos: XIV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros (GEP) de la RSEQ y RSEF


  1. Polymer foam evolution characterized by time-resolved neutron radiography

    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 473, pp. 46-54


  1. Kinetics of pore nucleation and growth in 3D by means of ultrafast tomography

    Society of Plastics Engineers - 12th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology, FOAMS 2014