Università Iuav di Venezia-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (17)


  1. Brownfield infrastructures

    The Elgar Companion to Urban Infrastructure Governance: Innovation, Concepts and Cases (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 165-180

  2. Opening the barrier of military immured spaces in Italy: Is their regeneration going beyond the threshold of boundaries?

    Boundaries and Restricted Places: The Immured Space (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 264-277

  3. The results of the disposal process of lighthouses, towers, and coastal buildings from 2015

    Territorio, pp. 119-128

  4. Walkable City and Military Enclaves: Analysis and Decision-Making Approach to Support the Proximity Connection in Urban Regeneration

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 1

  5. “Espacios de renta” y proceso de construcción de la ciudad: el caso de la Torre Glóries en Barcelona

    Ciudad y territorio: Estudios territoriales, Núm. 212, pp. 405-428


  1. Il ruolo dei fondi di investimento immobiliare nella riconversione del patrimonio immobiliare pubblico in Italia

    Urban@it Background Papers Rapporto sulle città 2018 IL GOVERNO DEBOLE DELLE ECONOMIE URBANE, pp. 1-13

  2. Italian military real estate assets re-use issues and opportunities in three capital cities

    Land Use Policy, Vol. 78, pp. 672-681

  3. Towards a census of military sites in Veneto Region

    Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, Vol. 48, Núm. 123, pp. 51-75