Publications en collaboration avec des chercheurs de Universidad de León (135)


  1. Application of flow cytometry using advanced chromatin analyses for assessing changes in the sperm structure and DNA integrity in a porcine model


  2. Application of flow cytometry using advanced chromatin analyses for assessing changes in the sperm structure and DNA integrity in a porcine model


  3. Characterization of the Germplasm Bank for the Spanish Autochthonous Bull Breed “Asturiana de la Montaña”

    Animals, Vol. 13, Núm. 8

  4. Effect of Honey, Coenzyme Q10, and β-Carotene/α-Tocopherol as Novel Additives in Rabbit-Sperm Cryopreservation Extender

    Animals, Vol. 13, Núm. 14

  5. Extension of the equilibration period up to 24 h maintains the post-thawing quality of Holstein bull semen frozen with OPTIXcell®

    Animal Reproduction Science, Vol. 250

  6. Inhibition of extracellular ice crystals growth for testing the cryodamaging effect of intracellular ice in a model of ram sperm ultra-rapid freezing

    Journal of Applied Animal Research, Vol. 51, Núm. 1, pp. 182-192

  7. Low-density colloid centrifugation removes bacteria from boar semen doses after spiking with selected species

    Research in Veterinary Science, Vol. 158, pp. 215-225

  8. Pre-freezing selection of Holstein bull semen with the BoviPure colloid as double- or single-layer centrifugation improves the post-thawing quality

    Animal Reproduction Science, Vol. 258

  9. Single layer centrifugation (SLC) for bacterial removal with Porcicoll positively modifies chromatin structure in boar spermatozoa

    Theriogenology, Vol. 201, pp. 95-105

  10. Study of mitochondrial function in thawed bull spermatozoa using selective electron transfer chain inhibitors

    Theriogenology, Vol. 208, pp. 8-14

  11. Use of the flavonoid taxifolin for sperm cryopreservation from the threatened Bermeya goat breed

    Theriogenology, Vol. 206, pp. 18-27


  1. Análisis de correlaciones canónicas utilizando encuestas y calificaciones en biología celular y tisular de primer curso de podología

    Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias de la salud: nuevos enfoques en la metodología docente (Dykinson), pp. 207-216