Subject discipline: Education

University: Valladolid

Area: Didactics and School Organisation


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Burgos with the thesis Desarrollo de entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLEs) para la mejora de la competencia digital estudio de caso en una escuela media italiana 2012. Supervised by Dr. Fernando Lezcano Barbero.

Ph.D in Educational Sciences, with a degree in Pedagogy, a diploma in Computer Engineering, a Master's degree in Free Software, and a Master's degree in Secondary Education Teaching. My research has focused on the didactic application of technology and its use as a tool to enhance the teaching and learning process, as well as on e-learning methodologies and the phenomena associated with the misuse of ICT. I have published articles in indexed national and international journals, and book chapters with education sector publishers. I have participated in research projects funded through competitive calls and have undertaken international stays in Guatemala, Ireland, and Italy. In terms of teaching, I have delivered courses related to general and specific didactics, and educational technology. I have experience in Secondary Education and have been a member of the SEPIE expert panel for the Erasmus+ Program in the field of Secondary and Higher Education since 2018, evaluating KA103, KA107 reports, K120 proposals, and KA210 and KA220 projects.