Publications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Salamanca (15)


  1. Active Learning to Foster Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability Awareness

    World Sustainability Series (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 95-110

  2. Leaving home: Using videogames to help students understand forced migration

    Political Geography, Vol. 104

  3. Navigating turbulent waters: associative clientelism and the rise and decline of Riffian elites in Morocco

    Territory, Politics, Governance

  4. Nuevos actores dentro de la Cooperación Sur-Sur: el papel de Arabia Saudí y Qatar como donantes regionales

    La cooperación internacional en la encrucijada. Reglobalización versus órdenes mundiales solapados (UNICAN), pp. 205-234


  1. "No solo de pan vive el hombre":: La revuelta de 1984 en Nador

    Un siglo de movilización social en Marruecos (Bellaterra), pp. 301-320

  2. Sweeping under the rug: The limitations and failure of the formal fight against corruption in Morocco

    Corruption and Informal Practices in the Middle East and North Africa (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 103-118


  1. Centre-periphery relations and the reconfiguration of the state's patronage networks in the Rif

    Clientelism and Patronage in the Middle East and North Africa: Networks of Dependency (Taylor and Francis), pp. 169-191


  1. Western Sahara in the framework of the new Moroccan advanced regionalization reform

    Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Western Sahara's Protracted Decolonization: When a Conflict Gets Old (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 189-211