Publicaciones en las que colabora con Gabriel Rubio Perez (11)


  1. (ρ, T, p) Measurements of the Methyl Nonafluorobutyl Ether (HFE-7100) + 1-Propanol Mixture at Pressures up to 70 MPa and Temperatures from 298.15 to 393.15 K

    Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 69, Núm. 1, pp. 150-162

  2. Dos casos de estudio de rehabilitación a nivel de distrito combinando eficiencia energética y energías renovables

    CONTART, Ibiza 2024. Convención Internacional de la Arquitectura Técnica

  3. Improvement of university education in the field of sustainability in construction and industry through international cooperation actions

    VII International Conference of Educational Innovation in Building, CINIE 2024, 13rd, 14th, 15th March, Madrid

  4. Project for the rehabilitation of and old abbey for residential use in Salas de Bureba (Burgos)

    IX International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building. CITE 2024, 13,14 & 15 marzo


  1. Comparative Study of Building Energy Simulation Software Applied to Research Projects. Cases of Study in Spain and Portugal

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 485-507

  2. Energy study for the refurbishment of the old abbey of Salas de Bureba (Burgos) for residential use. A case study

    VII Congreso Internacional de Innovación Tecnológica en Edificación (CITE 2023), 22, 23 & 24 marzo, Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  3. Study of crystallization and melting-solidification processes in some fatty acids as phase change materials (PCMs)

    13th National and 4th International Conference in Engineering Thermodynamics. Advances in Engineering Thermodynamics: The Key to Sustainable Development


  1. Centralización de instalaciones térmicas mediante energías renovables para una agrupación de bloques de viviendas

    Anales de Edificación, Vol. 8, Núm. 3, pp. 1-7

  2. Energy study of new efficient thermal installations for a block of flats in Burgos (Spain)

    XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics, 12CNIT, Madrid, June 29th to July 1st, 2022

  3. Rehabilitación de instalaciones para la descarbonización del 94% de calefacción y ACS, un caso de estudio de 217 viviendas

    Innovación tecnológica y desarrollo sostenible en la edificación (Dykinson), pp. 603


  1. The Impact of International Mobility in Doctoral Training in Novel Research Groups: a Case Study

    The 11th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational: (ICEUTE 2020)