Publikationen (62) Publikationen von Juan Bautista Delgado Garcia


  1. Analysis of the Policy Context Addressing 25+ NEETs. Country Report – Spain

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  2. Are interactions between need for achievement and social networks the driving force behind entrepreneurial Intention? A trait activation story

    Journal of Business Research, Vol. 149, pp. 65-76

  3. Creatividad organizativa y emociones

    Bases biológicas, psicológicas y socioculturales de la creatividad (Los Libros de la Catarata), pp. 212-221

  4. Employment initiatives supporting 25+ NEETs. Country Report – Spain

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  5. Evaluation practices assessing the impacts of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs. Country Report – Spain

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  6. Synthesis report on the policies addressing 25+ NEETs in nine EU countries

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  7. The influence of the positive affective trait on the willingness to act entrepreneurially: The mediating effect of opportunity evaluation

    International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, Vol. 40, Núm. 5, pp. 592-617