Publicaciones (102) Publicaciones de Guiomar Martin Herran


  1. An integrative framework of cooperative advertising with reference price effects

    Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 70


  1. Enforcing regulatory standards in stock pollution problems

    Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 100

  2. Manufacturer defensive and offensive advertising in competing distribution channels

    International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 27, Núm. 2, pp. 958-983

  3. Non-constant Discounting, Social Welfare and Endogenous Growth with Pollution Externalities

    Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 76, Núm. 2-3, pp. 369-403

  4. Non-linear incentive equilibrium strategies for a transboundary pollution differential game

    International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 187-204

  5. On the modelling of price effects in the diffusion of optional contingent products

    International Series in Operations Research and Management Science (Springer New York LLC), pp. 15-39

  6. Present bias and the inefficiency of the centralized economy: The role of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution

    Economic Modelling, Vol. 93, pp. 702-716

  7. Pricing of demand-related products: Can ignoring cross-category effect be a smart choice?

    International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 223