La discalculiacaminos de rehabilitación

  1. Arestia, Vincenza Mª
Supervised by:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Director
  2. María Isabel Ruiz Fernández Co-director
  3. Josefa González Santos Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 17 July 2017

  1. David Padilla Góngora Chair
  2. María Isabel García Alonso Secretary
  3. María José Rabazo Méndez Committee member

Type: Thesis


My work is to study the phenomenon of dyscalculia and specific disorders of learning, taking care of the rehabilitation aspect and evaluating the effectiveness of some innovative treatments in children with dyscalculia is pure, both in comorbità, in the city of Messina . Given that 5% of the school population is suffering from DSA (one pupil per class), as a teacher I want to provide valuable tools for recovery or the acquisition of skills and competencies that are otherwise hampered by these disorders. The work will be articulated from a collection of data at DISMED Messina (study center for disability Mediterranean) relative to subjects who attend the center for at least a year, of the school cycle. My research aims to demonstrate that the individuals have obtained at least 30% recovery, thanks to some treatments and after a period of more than three years. The instruments used to collect data questionnaires will be made with the advice and support of medical specialists (psychiatrists, educators, psychologists, speech therapists). For reprocessing data will be used statistical tools, while correlation indexes will highlight any relationship between one or more variables. Do the math, reading, writing should not be a cause of discomfort, should not condemn children, teens and parents to frustrations, failures and unnecessary hardships. My argument to say "yes to compensatory instruments and measures dispensatory, but a real contribution resulting from rehabilitation, to allow greater autonomy and self-esteem in school and in everyday life."