Modulación por las isoformas de Ras de la síntesis de matriz extracelular y proliferación en fibroblastos

  1. Fuentes Calvo, Isabel
Dirixida por:
  1. José Miguel López Novoa Director
  2. José Carlos Martínez Salgado Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 01 de xuño de 2009

  1. María Jesús Monte Río Presidenta
  2. María Nélida Eleno Balboa Secretaria
  3. María Piedad Ruiz Torres Vogal
  4. José Manuel Valdivieso Revilla Vogal
  5. Octavio Alda Torrubia Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Fibroblasts are the main ECM-producing cells (extracellular matrix), but depending on the type of tissue cell types can appear other residents. The fibroblasts produce large amounts of ECM, inducing the replacement of the usual components of tissue by fibrous material. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms governing the deposition and degradation of ECM in physiological and pathophysiological conditions may be useful in designing preventive strategies, thereby reducing the progression of these pathological processes that occur with fibrosis