La Transición en su laberintocrisis económica, transformación social e inestabilidad política en Cantabria (1975-1995)
- Revuelta Pérez, Ángel
- Andrés Hoyo Aparicio Director
Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria
Fecha de defensa: 06 March 2016
- Manuel Redero San Román Chair
- Ángeles Barrio Alonso Secretary
- Julián Sanz Hoya Committee member
Type: Thesis
The double process of political democratization and access to the autonomy that constituted the Transition in Cantabria entered, from the approbation of the Statute of Autonomy in 1981, in a period of political and institutional instability until the middle of the 90’s. It was in the context of an economic crisis that forced to do a hard reconversion and affected to the most part of the industrial fabric, with significant social consequences: unemployment, destructuring, tertiarization. Above this shifting social ground it was created a party system influenced by the inexperience, immaturity and instability. But beyond these factors, the keystone what explains that deep institutional crisis was the fact that the forces who managed the autonomy were the same that had opposed against it: the divided and faced right wing, that didn’t possess an autonomic project to confront the serious problems that affected to the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.