Programas de fidelización online y sensación de comunidadantecedentes y consecuencias

  1. Domínguez Casas, Ángel Manuel
  2. Gutiérrez Arranz, Ana María
  3. San José Cabezudo, Rebeca
Estrategias de distribución y comportamiento de compra multicanal: tendencias y oportunidades para que fabricante y distribuidor rentabilicen sus decisiones de marketing
  1. Vázquez Casielles, Rodolfo (coord.)
  2. Trespalacios Gutiérrez, Juan Antonio (coord.)
  3. Estrada Alonso, Eduardo (coord.)
  4. González Mieres, Celina (coord.)

Publisher: KRK ; Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial ; Universidad de Oviedo

ISBN: 978-84-8367-431-4

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 239-250

Type: Book chapter


Companies have developed online loyalty programs because of the flexibility and promptness of the internet. The aim of this research is to analyze if online loyalty programs are able to develop a sense of community among their participants. We posit several hypotheses where symbolic perceived benefits of loyalty programs act as an antecedent and customer loyalty and identification with the brand are the consequences of the customer sense of community.