Análisis de la crítica especializada de cine y videojuegos desde la sociología cultural

  1. Morales-Corral, Enrique
  2. Gayo-Santacecilia, Javier
Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología

ISSN: 2603-8366

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 7

Pages: 165-180

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/TS.7.2021.31234 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología

Sustainable development goals


This communication aims to show, based on a comparative analysis since cultural sociology, the projective effect of the consumption of video game and film products based on the evaluation given in specialized magazines. It also delves into an analysis of both cultural industries from the 20 products with the highest revenue in 2016, comparing elements such as recommended age codes for both products or specific genres. Among the main results we can observe how there is a greater evaluation by the critics specialized in the most sold videogames with respect to the films with the highest box-office takings, and how there is significant differences about age rating in both cultural industries. In the film industry, only four Spanish films have made it into the top 20, unfortunately there isn´t any Spanish videogame. It is also important to highlight the large number of films with a category suitable for children in this classification, reaching two out of three films suitable for children under 12 years of age, thus offering a panorama of more family cinema, videogames are more diverse in this subject.

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