L'Aprenentatge de coneixement especialitzat a través de l'anàlisi d'alguns conceptes del dret de família

  1. Morel Santasusagna, Jordi
Supervised by:
  1. María Teresa Cabré Director

Defence university: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Fecha de defensa: 19 March 2002

  1. Pablo Salvador Coderch Chair
  2. Jaume Martí Llobet Secretary
  3. Roser Pintó Committee member
  4. Bertha María Gutiérrez Rodilla Committee member
  5. María Eulalia Amat Llari Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 159483 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This Doctoral Dissertation deals with specialized knowledge acquisition having a theoretical and methodological orientation of a linguistic and conceptual nature. Empirical analysis is devoted to Catalan Family Law and, more precisely, to the definitions provided by university students regarding 9 concepts throughout two tests with the same definitions. The first test is given at the beginning of the period of explicit instruction and the second at the end. The main goal is to determine whether increase and precision of knowledge is achieved or not after the three months of explicit instruction. Data analysis tells that there is knowledge stabilization rather than knowledge increasing. This stabilization can be put down to the considered period, together with the fact that previous knowledge of concepts seem to be firmly rooted in students, which leads to state that conceptual change (i.e., that of specialists) is difficult to attain within such brief period of instruction.