Matrimonio y consanguinidad en Españadiscursos y prácticas en los siglos XVIII y XIX

  1. Henarejos Lopez, Juan Francisco
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Irigoyen López Director
  2. Juan Hernández Franco Director
  3. Francisco Chacón Jiménez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 05 February 2016

  1. Gérard Delille Chair
  2. Cristina Roda Alcantud Secretary
  3. José Carlos Rueda Fernández Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT This research has focused on the study of consanguinity, as restrictively kinship relations during the Old Regime. Marriage and social organization formed an inseparable tandem and inbreeding was one of the main strategies where consensus family alliances. Consanguinity marriage was a practice forbidden by the Church, but was regulated by herself: marriage dispensations become the means to validate these alliances prohibited. The purpose of this work was to determine the evolution of inbreeding in its different forms, its impact on marriage and its social impact. It has been known where the concept of consanguinity arises not only from canonical form, but the social implications that it entails. Interpretations from social history, anthropology, canon law, sociology and even biometrics, have been essential to address this issue, with the use of new categories of analysis on marriage, social strategies and alliances between families. It is clear that during the old regime we are in the throes of change and transformation. First a sample was defined around the marriage records of consanguineous marriages, which have been detected different models can quantitatively measure the impact of inbreeding in certain areas. It has been necessary to use documents from diocesan archives in order to learn more about the Catholic practice around inbreeding, complete with documentation of national and international files and libraries. The use of different scales in this thesis, it has helped us understand the complexity of the problem, on two levels ranging from Spanish Diocese, to Madrid, to Rome. So we were able to decipher the workings of such alliances and its validation by the Church. Then it investigated the casuistry of marriage dispensations and all the canonical theory of the impairments. The relationship begins to be regulated, with a theory about impediments, since the Council of Trent, restricted to the fourth degree of consanguinity. It has deepened variation and typology of the impediments to marriage as the legal basis that manages the Church in the Modern Age. The network of roads in order to solve and legitimize the marriage dispensations, has been one of our objectives addressed in the third part of the thesis. There is a whole series of institutions that regulate and legislate marriage dispensations, from the Court of Dataria Apostolic Penitentiary. Vatican sources employment has shown the existing complex during the Modern Age. The speech of consanguinity and his argument has two clearly opposing ways, as is the Catholic law against State authority. Furthermore, we have been able to analyze the entire structure that regulates the relationship, from the same "expedicioneros" to papal authority. The transition from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, shows a number of changes from the existing royalist policy in Spain. Tensions of Spain, facing the Apostolic dates from Rome, have a continuity throughout the eighteenth and a strong break in the early nineteenth century. Obtaining waivers had a number of requirements, and one of them was the economic and rates evolve gradually, but we found that at certain times, they have a fixed price. The early nineteenth century, this question will reach its peak, with the promulgation of Decree Urquijo in 1799, where it breaks with Rome, regarding the request for marriage dispensations. Greater autonomy given to the bishops in this matter, creating different problems in the diocese. The system, in terms of regulating waivers and kinship begins to fragment in the nineteenth century. The last part of our work has shifted to the case study of several families in the Kingdom of Murcia. Efforts have been made to establish certain indicators, in terms of different biometric variables, in which to thoroughly study families in which inbreeding is used as a marriage strategy. We have selected two types of social groups to perform this analysis: urban oligarchies and rural populations. Inbreeding becomes not only a double strategy, but a form of organization, but with different mechanisms of kinship, as in farming areas inbreeding it has a multiple character. The aim was to perpetuate the relatives. Yet it has managed to establish a new interpretation on consanguinity, in terms of regulation and prohibition. It has managed to deepen the practical concerning the granting of marriage dispensations in Spain. Practice so far addressed slightly, but crucial in the understanding of various social, political and economic aspects. Overall, this work has contributed to understanding the fragmentation of a family model established by the Church in which consanguineous links were banned.