Identidad y dramatización en un émulo de frégoli de Carolina de Soto. Aplicación en el aula de educación primaria.

  1. Santiago Sevilla Vallejo
Verbeia: Journal of English and Spanish Studies = revista de estudios filológicos

ISSN: 2444-1333

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 8

Seiten: 158-171

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Verbeia: Journal of English and Spanish Studies = revista de estudios filológicos


Un émulo de Frégoliby Carolina de Soto is a monologue in which a fifteen-year-old boy asks himself what job he will have in the future. This is an interesting text because it refers to one of the essential evolutionary challenges of adolescence: the profession as a way not only of earning a living, but also as a way of being and projecting oneself in society. At the same time, the adolescent observes the profession through play and the idealisationof what it represents for him/her. In this paper, we analyse the ludic role of literature in general and specifically the work of Carolina de Soto, the importance of dramatisation for education and we offer a proposal for application in the classroom thataims to work on identity through drama with the students.