La identidad híbrida a través de los mapas en Escenario de guerra (2000) de Andrea Jeftanovic
Universidad de Salamanca
- Houvenaghel, E. Helena (coord.)
- Castilleja Magdaleno, Diana (coord.)
ISSN: 1577-3442, 1989-9831
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakien izenburua: Mapear el yo: autoconstrucción y espacio en autoras judeo-latinoamericanas
Zenbakia: 30
Orrialdeak: 122-138
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: América Sin Nombre
The novel Escenario de guerra delves into collective and individual identities torn apart by a memory that is difficult to reconcile. The narrator, Tamara, shares a strong identification with her father, who is consumed by memories of a time marked by violence and deprivation. Additionally, the way the memory of the Chilean dictatorship is woven into the family conflicts that Tamara narrates is of great significance. This work examines the construction of Tamara’s narrative identity, her psychological conflicts using psychoanalytic concepts, and her family relationships through the lens of Bourdieu’s “spirit of family”. The argument put forth is that Escenario de guerra presents Tamara’s hybrid identity as she grapples with numerous internal and relational conflicts. In this context, the symbolism of maps as routes of escape from these problems is analyzed. Tamara physically traverses these routes while creating psychological distance, allowing her to later return. Escenario de guerra enables an analysis of both individual and collective identity through the use of maps. The novel portrays a creative woman who, by skilfully representing conflicts via maps, attains a hybrid identity.
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