Pluralidad ontológica (mapas, niveles y conceptos) sin fragmentación de sentido (mundo de la vida, metáforas y redes)
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 0031-4749, 2386-5822
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Alea: 79
Zenbakia: 306
Orrialdeak: 1761-1782
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Pensamiento: revista de investigación e Información filosófica
The fundamental complexity of ontological plurality demands to be understood with fresh concepts and metaphors: on the one hand, they have to overcome the inner compartmentalization, but on the other hand, they have to build bridges of meaning for the sake of a more integrative approach of the reality. The fragmentation should be avoided, both from an objective perspective and a subjective one, respectively, through the creation of open classifications and indirect symbolic links that may compensate the disciplinary specialization. Notions such as level, map, life-world and network contribute to this task.
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