Hydrocalumite–TiO2 hybrid systems synthesized from aluminum salt cake for photodegradation of ibuprofen

  1. Rebollo, Beatriz
  2. Jiménez, Alejandro
  3. Trujillano, Raquel
  4. Rives, Vicente
  5. Gil, Antonio
  6. Vicente, Miguel A.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 2213-3437 2213-3437

Año de publicación: 2024

Volumen: 12

Número: 2

Páginas: 112395

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1016/J.JECE.2024.112395 SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-112395 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering


Synthesis of hydrocalumite–TiO2 hybrid systems and their use in photodegradation of ibuprofen is reported forthe first time. Hydrocalumite was prepared with Al3+ recovered from an aluminum slag (circular economy), TiO2was deposited on hydrocalumite by hydrolysis of titanium(IV) isopropoxide, and the solids thus obtained werecalcined at 400 and 750 ºC. The solid calcined at 400 ºC was essentially amorphous, showing the presence ofcalcite due to the fixation of atmospheric CO2, while the solid calcined at 750 ºC was composed of mayenite,perovskite and rutile. The calcined solids were used for catalytic degradation of ibuprofen (50 ppm in aqueoussolutions) under UV irradiation, obtaining better results than when using commercial TiO2–P25 from Degussa.Under the specific conditions used, the degradation took place in the initial steps of the process, mainly givingrise to species with higher molecular mass than initial ibuprofen.

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