Additional file 7 of Microbial colonization and resistome dynamics in food processing environments of a newly opened pork cutting industry during 1.5 years of activity

  1. Cobo-Díaz, José F.
  2. Alvarez-Molina, Adrián
  3. Alexa, Elena A.
  4. Walsh, Calum J.
  5. Mencía-Ares, Oscar
  6. Puente-Gómez, Paula
  7. Likotrafiti, Eleni
  8. Fernández-Gómez, Paula
  9. Prieto, Bernardo
  10. Crispie, Fiona
  11. Ruiz, Lorena
  12. González-Raurich, Montserrat
  13. López, Mercedes
  14. Prieto, Miguel
  15. Cotter, Paul
  16. Alvarez-Ordóñez, Avelino

Editor: figshare

Year of publication: 2021

Type: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Additional file 7. LGTs-Integrons. Blastn results for those LGT and integron regions associated with ARGs. The first column indicates the contig name, while columns B to E indicate the origin of the sample where the contig was occurring (surface type, processing room, day of visit, sampling time). Column F indicates the best match obtained by blastn versus the ResFinder database, while columns G to P indicate the parameters of the alignment obtained by blastn. Columns Q to T show the hierarchical classification of the gene obtained as the best match hit, according to Supp. File 4. Column U indicates the genomic location obtained for the contig by the Plasflow pipeline. Columns V and W show the CladeA (host) and CladeB (source) for the lateral gene transfer (LGT) events detected. Rows highlighted in orange or yellow indicate contigs that contain more than one ARG within their integron region.