Additional file 4 of Microbial colonization and resistome dynamics in food processing environments of a newly opened pork cutting industry during 1.5 years of activity
- Cobo-Díaz, José F.
- Alvarez-Molina, Adrián
- Alexa, Elena A.
- Walsh, Calum J.
- Mencía-Ares, Oscar
- Puente-Gómez, Paula
- Likotrafiti, Eleni
- Fernández-Gómez, Paula
- Prieto, Bernardo
- Crispie, Fiona
- Ruiz, Lorena
- González-Raurich, Montserrat
- López, Mercedes
- Prieto, Miguel
- Cotter, Paul
- Alvarez-Ordóñez, Avelino
Additional file 4. Statistical analysis for ARG classes. The first column indicates the ARG class to be compared among samples. Next columns (until the column titled Kruskal p-value) indicate average values for each sample group being compared. Kruskal p-value columns indicate the p-values for the comparison between sample groups, which are presented for each surface type and processing room on the sheets surface_time and room_time respectively. The subsequent columns indicate p-values from the Wilcoxon pair-wise test for each pair of sample groups, which are also indicated on the column head. Statistical analyses performed by sampling time are presented on the time sheet, by sampling time for each surface type on the surface_time sheet, by surface type for each of the three time groups on the TX_surface sheets, by sampling time for each room on the room_time sheet, and by processing room for each of the three time groups on the TX_room sheets. NaN means not a number, and indicates those cases where statistical analyses could not be performed due to zero values on each sample to be compared.