Publikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (25)


  1. Teacher Education Perspectives in the Ibero-Latin American Context: A Comparative View

    The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research: Volume 1,2 (Springer International Publishing), pp. 1237-1258

  2. Trends on Computational Thinking, Engineering Education, Technology in Medicine, Qualitative and Mixed Methods, Diversity in STEM, Lab-Based Education, Technology and Education, Gamification and Games for Learning and Smart Learning at TEEM 2022

    Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 1-21


  1. Gamification: a new key for enhancing engagement in MOOCs on energy?

    International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 14, Núm. 4, pp. 1379-1393

  2. Predicting academic performance with Artificial Intelligence (AI), a new tool for teachers and students

    IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON

  3. Predicting academic performance with Artificial Intelligence (AI), a new tool for teachers and students


  4. The scale of digital competence and utilization of open educational resources (CD-REA): Factors associated with competence in bimodal university teachers

    RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, Vol. 2020, Núm. E28, pp. 545-558

  5. The use of gamification in xMOOCs about energy: Effects and predictive models for participants' learning

    Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 36, Núm. 2, pp. 1-17


  1. Adaptive learning based on AI with predictive algorithms

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

  2. Engagement in the course of programming in higher education through the use of gamification

    Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 18, Núm. 3, pp. 583-597

  3. Engaging MOOC through gamification: Systematic mapping review

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

  4. The use of gamification as a teaching methodology in a MOOC about the strategic energy reform in México

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing


  1. Evaluation of the tutoring process with teachers in elementary schools in Mexico

    Search and research [Recurso electrónico]: teacher education for contemporary contexts

  2. In-service teachers’ self-perceptions of digital competence and OER use as determined by a xMOOC training course

    Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 77, pp. 356-364

  3. Teachers' Digital Skills training by using the Educational Innovation based on Evidence methodology (EIBE)

    Search and research [Recurso electrónico]: teacher education for contemporary contexts