Publications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Salamanca (13)


  1. A construcción da fin do mundo

    Galicia, un relato no mundo (Xunta de Galicia), pp. 140-147

  2. La presencia militar romana en el noroeste ibérico hacia el cambio de era: estado actual y retos de futuro

    Accampamenti, guarnigioni e assedi durante la Seconda Guerra Punica e la conquista romana (secoli III-I a.C.): prospettive archeologiche (Quasar), pp. 127-138

  3. Todo comeza no remate. A antigüidade tardía

    Galicia, un relato no mundo (Xunta de Galicia), pp. 148-157


  1. Rediscovering the Roman conquest of the north-western Iberian Peninsula

    Conflict Archaeology (Routledge), pp. 141-151

  2. Scope and limitations of airborne LiDAR technology for the detection and analysis of Roman military sites in Northwest Iberia

    Archaeology and Geomatics. Harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the Iberian Peninsula (2006-2015) (Sidestone Press), pp. 57-73

  3. The potential of the Geographic Information Techniques for the analysis of the morphology and settlement patterns of the Roman military sites of early imperial era in Iberia

    Archaeology and Geomatics. Harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the Iberian Peninsula (2006-2015) (Sidestone Press), pp. 209-226


  1. Tabula hospitalis

    Galicia 100: Obxectos para contar unha cultura. Santiago de Compostela (Tórculo), pp. 70-72