Particularidades probatorias del discurso de odio en Internetidentificación de factores de polarización radical mediante sistemas algorítmicos
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1699-8154
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: "Digitalització i algoritmització de la justícia"
Issue: 39
Type: Article
More publications in: IDP: revista de Internet, derecho y política = revista d'Internet, dret i política
This article addresses the legal nature of the radical polarization factors of hate crimes as evidence in a criminal process and how algorithmic systems can detect their existence through the monitoring and analysis of online hate speech. combining its use with OSINT techniques and with a future police intelligence test. Thus, we start from the framing of polarization factors as indicative evidence in the process, to subsequently identify what specific parameters should be taken into account in these cases to prove hate speech online. Finally, the algorithms promoted at the police level in Spain are analyzed, proposing their virtues and legal limitations and raising the need to analyze how these algorithms fit with the legislation, especially in relation to the prohibition of predictive policing systems and criminal recidivism.
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