Additional file 8 of Microbial colonization and resistome dynamics in food processing environments of a newly opened pork cutting industry during 1.5 years of activity
- Cobo-Díaz, José F.
- Alvarez-Molina, Adrián
- Alexa, Elena A.
- Walsh, Calum J.
- Mencía-Ares, Oscar
- Puente-Gómez, Paula
- Likotrafiti, Eleni
- Fernández-Gómez, Paula
- Prieto, Bernardo
- Crispie, Fiona
- Ruiz, Lorena
- González-Raurich, Montserrat
- López, Mercedes
- Prieto, Miguel
- Cotter, Paul
- Alvarez-Ordóñez, Avelino
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Additional file 8. Samples Metadata, DNA quantity and quality, reads and information on the culture-dependent approach. Columns from A to G indicate sample names together with their temporal and spatial location. Columns from H to N correspond to parameters related to the DNA extraction process and the total and filtered reads obtained after shotgun sequencing. Columns from O to Z detail the occurrence of different microorganisms in the culture dependent analyses, their phenotypic resistance to specific antibiotics, as revealed through their growth on selective agar plates, and the detection of ARGs. Resistant Pseudomonas spp. isolates harboring ARGs for β-lactams and carbapenems were not detected.