Additional file 5 of Microbial colonization and resistome dynamics in food processing environments of a newly opened pork cutting industry during 1.5 years of activity
- Cobo-Díaz, José F.
- Alvarez-Molina, Adrián
- Alexa, Elena A.
- Walsh, Calum J.
- Mencía-Ares, Oscar
- Puente-Gómez, Paula
- Likotrafiti, Eleni
- Fernández-Gómez, Paula
- Prieto, Bernardo
- Crispie, Fiona
- Ruiz, Lorena
- González-Raurich, Montserrat
- López, Mercedes
- Prieto, Miguel
- Cotter, Paul
- Alvarez-Ordóñez, Avelino
Additional file 5. Statistical analysis for ARG and taxonomical assignments. Columns from C to H indicate average values for ARG classes and taxonomic assignments per sampling time and food contact status (NFCS: non food contact surfaces; FCS: food contact surfaces). Columns I and J indicate p-values obtained from Kruskal-Wallis analyses within FCS and within NFCS samples, respectively, to analyze significant differences across time. Columns from K to P indicate p-values from Wilcoxon pair-wise tests performed for each pair of Time samples within NFCS and within FCS samples. Columns from Q to S indicate p-values from Wilcoxon pair-wise tests performed for NFCS versus FCS samples for each Time group. NaN means not a number, and indicates those cases where statistical analyses could not be performed due to zero values on each sample to be compared.